ManageBac Amazon Web Services completed a full migration of files to AWS S3 file storage. This will provide faster file upload and download speeds and enhance file storage redundancy. Diploma: Bulk Export of ToK PPD and PPF provide a way to download PDFs in bulk for...
We’ve made several improvements to ManageBac, OpenApply and InterSIS this week: ManageBac General: The Bulk Create Classes import can now assign multiple teachers to one class. To assign several teachers to the same class, list their emails in the same cell and...
We’ve made several improvements to ManageBac and OpenApply this week: ManageBac Diploma: For Unit plans, the Visual Arts subject has updated course aims, objectives & criteria and syllabus. More than one work can now be selected in the Language &...
We’ve made several improvements to the system this week: Announcements: We’ve changed our mail delivery servers. As a result, our mailer IP Address has changed — in additional to existing filters, please update your e-mail whitelist to include the IP...
We’ve made several improvements to the system this week: Diploma: The ToK Presentation and Planning Form (PPF) is now available within the student’s ToK Worksheet. Students are able to add their first, second and third interactions, while teachers can add...
If you used ManageBac to bulk register your students on IBIS this year, the system has been updated with the candidate session numbers. Please note that PINs must be updated manually through Year Group > Plans > Update IBIS Personal Codes. Didn’t use ManageBac...