ManageBac went down as of 7:37AM HKT (GMT+8). We are back and running as of 8:44AM HKT (GMT +8). Total downtime lasted 67 minutes. Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.
ManageBac and OpenApply are down as of 4:52PM HKT (GMT+8). Our hosting service is experiencing a network issue. We are all-hands on deck and will have further updates soon, both here and on Twitter (@managebac). This downtime is unrelated to HeartBleed. Our sincere...
Our servers will be down for maintenance on Saturday, March 8 starting at 2pm HKT (GMT+8). The total duration of the maintenance will be two hours, but actual OpenApply service downtime is anticipated to last less than 10 minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience...
Our servers will be down for maintenance on Saturday, March 8 starting at 2pm HKT (GMT+8). The total duration of the maintenance will be two hours, but actual ManageBac service downtime is anticipated to last less than 30 minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience...
OpenApply servers will be down for the planned upgrade on Saturday, January 25 starting at 2pm HKT (GMT+8). The downtime is expected to last two hours.
ManageBac servers will be down for the planned upgrade on Saturday, January 25 starting at 2pm HKT (GMT+8). The downtime is expected to last two hours.