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Feature Friday

ManageBac  General Timetable Imports Update: For schools using ManageBac for Attendance, the class location can now be configured in the Class Attendance Settings. The class location can also be configured when importing Timetables. Bulk Assign Teachers to Classes:...

Feature Friday

ManageBac General Import Students in Bulk – To help ManageBac Admins Add and Update students in bulk, hints have been added when hovering over the ? icon to help determine what needs to be added to the CSV template. Links to Supported Nationalities and Supported...

Feature Friday

ManageBac, Primary Years Programme | October 9, 2015
ManageBac Primary Years: Overall Assessment by Subject: Students can now be assessed overall by subject under Submit Term Grades.  To enable by Overall Assessment by subject, Navigate to Settings > Primary Years > Assessment. Under Assessed Subjects, enable the...

Feature Friday

ManageBac Diploma CAS Activities No Longer Require a Supervisor: In line with updates from the IBO, students are no longer required to have an activity supervisor. CAS Activities can now be individually unarchived: CAS Advisors and Administrators can now unarchive...

Feature Friday

ManageBac General Gender on Student Profiles: Students can now update their profiles to include or remove their gender status by either selecting a gender or leaving it blank via Edit Profile. Diploma Group 4 IAs Updated: For May session schools, all new DP1 and DP2...