We’re excited to announce a new user profile on ManageBac. The most significant update was for student profiles, which are now organised according to the student’s Personal Information, Exam Registration Information, Academics, Timetables, Portfolio and...
ManageBac Primary Years Include Scope & Sequence on Unit Planner PDFs: Primary Years PDF exports are now able to capture any Scope & Sequence tied to a unit by clicking Generate PDF Planner via the individual unit planner. OpenApply Export Re-enrollment...
ManageBac Diploma CAS Activity Supervisor Review: Email notifications sent to CAS Activity Supervisors now include the CAS Activity type (i.e. Creativity, Activity, or Service). Year 2 Music Course Aims, Objectives, & Criteria: The Course Aims, Objectives &...
ManageBac General Hit ‘Enter’ to Save Attendance Comments: Attendance comments can now be saved by simply hitting the ‘Enter’ key or clicking ‘Save Changes’. File uploads up to 500MB: File uploads on ManageBac can now be up to...
ManageBac Amazon Web Services completed a full migration of files to AWS S3 file storage. This will provide faster file upload and download speeds and enhance file storage redundancy. Diploma: Bulk Export of ToK PPD and PPF provide a way to download PDFs in bulk for...
We’ve made several improvements to the system this week: Announcements: We’ve changed our mail delivery servers. As a result, our mailer IP Address has changed — in additional to existing filters, please update your e-mail whitelist to include the IP...