We have completed several new reports updates including:

  • ATL Evaluation Tables: within MYP classes, you can now easily evaluate the ATL skills covered using customizable rubrics within each class. Administrators can enable or adjust these rubrics under Settings > Middle Years > Rubrics & Options. On reports, the ATL table will be displayed both on the Summary of Achievement and the individual class reports.MYP ATL Assessment
  • CAS and EE Evaluations: you can now enable rubrics for CAS and EE under Settings > DP > Rubrics & Options. We have also updated the icons for the Diploma core.
    CAS and EE Rubrics
  • Attendance: can now be placed with either the Cover Sheet or Summary of Achievement.

    Attendance Settings

  • Header Labels: can be fully customized in both English and any UTF-8 supported language.Customize Headers
  • Easier selection of Rubrics & Options: we have simplified the selection process when editing report templates.
    Rubrics and Options Selection
  • Confirmation page when generating reports: we have added an interstitial confirmation page to make the reports generation process smoother.
    Reports Confirmation