If you follow local, state, or national standards, or have developed your own standards for teachers, and would like them available on ManageBac, please contact our support team. We will custom-build standards into the system for you, so that teachers may use them when planning their units.

For the Diploma Programme, uploaded standards will be available for teachers to choose from under the Backward Planning tab of the unit planner. (DP unit plans must first be enabled under Settings > General.)

Here is an example showing the English Common Core State Standards:

DP Unit Planner Standards

For the Middle Years Programme, the standards are also available under the Backward Planning tab of the unit planner.

MYP Unit Planner Standards

For the Primary Years Programme, the standards are uploaded under Scope & Sequence. While we build in the IB Scope & Sequence by default, many schools prefer to use their local standards instead.

For example, Texas state standards, known as TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) have been built into the account shown below. When planning their units, teachers at this school can easily select from available built-in TEKS.

PYP Unit Planner

Selected standards can later be filtered and analyzed for coverage and balance in your school curriculum.

If you’d like standards built into your system, our turnaround time is 1-2 days for the following commonly used standards:

  • Common Core State Standards
  • Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (Florida)
  • Indiana State Standards
  • Minnesota State Standards
  • Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
  • AERO Standards

Don’t see your standards listed? ManageBac Support is happy to help custom-build them for you. Please anticipate a 1- 2 week turnaround time.

Once uploaded, all standards are easily accessible and editable under the Settings tab of your account.