École Mondiale World School


Prasanna B.


Tanvi Vasani


Whatever new features ManageBac gives, we’re getting into it! We’ll continue using it – whatever future ManageBac offers to us, we’re ready for that.

Prasanna B, Teacher & ManageBac Coordinator

École Mondiale World School is an accredited IB school in Juhu, Mumbai. It offers an international education to students aged from 3 to 19 through the IB Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma programmes. Established in 2004, the school delivers all academic programmes — from Playschool to Grade 12 — in English.

Standards BenchmarksCurricula Supported
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School to HomeGrade Levels: K–12

Implementation History

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Academic Support and Communications

École Mondiale World School uses ManageBac to support the full IB continuum. While PYP usage is mainly limited to unit planning, attendance and reporting, Teacher and ManageBac Coordinator Prasanna B explains that, “in MYP and DP everything happens on ManageBac – we use it extensively.” In particular, teachers upload and map all units to the Curriculum Planner and use it to set tasks and deadlines, highlighting key dates on the Year Group calendar.

“Every task is up there on ManageBac, so the parents, students, everyone is aware of what’s coming up and what’s happening right now,” Prasanna explains – citing the calendar as her favourite feature of ManageBac. “It’s really good, because especially in DP there are different deadlines for different subjects, so we map it on the calendar so we can see at a glance what’s coming up. I can also see which are my own subject deadlines. It’s very well streamlined.”

The link between units and reporting is appreciated, too: “Even for PYP, reporting and grading is really connected, so that’s nice. Generating reports is quick – half an hour max – and we’re able to generate reports for the whole of MYP and DP, same with PYP,” Prasanna explains.

Furthermore, all students record their CAS experiences via ManageBac, where supervisors can review their work and post comments – and other core curriculum components are also managed through the platform. “Even for the Personal Projects and Extended Essay, everything happens on ManageBac,” says Prasanna. “We take them through the process of using ManageBac and they’re expected to put everything up there.”

This expectation ultimately gives the students agency – “If students are there from the beginning and they’ve been keeping a record of things here on ManageBac, they can track their activities,” says Prasanna. Teachers are also encouraged to use the platform to record their experiences along the way – “putting reflections on units, going back and looking at what happened last year and how the class reacted to it – did the children enjoy and get anything out of it?” Prasanna explains.

For PYP, ManageBac “makes life easier for a teacher”. “You don’t have to think about certain things, so you can focus on your teaching”, explains Tanvi, who coordinates at PYP level.

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Transparency for both students and their parents is a major part of ManageBac’s appeal at every educational stage. In addition to using it to support academic programmes, École Mondiale World School uses the platform as the most important mode of communication with parents and students. “Parents are quite comfortable because they get to see what’s happening, what tasks are lined up for their child,” says Prasanna. “We also post any important messages, and the Principal posts circulars, and so on.”

Tying in with this is the school’s use of ManageBac to track attendance and behaviour – including both incidents and commendations. “This is nice because it gives us an insight – a more rounded picture of how the student is doing, not just academic,” adds Prasanna.

Supporting Teachers from Start to End

Students and parents are by no means the only ones in the school community benefiting from ManageBac’s transparency. With units already well mapped out, the platform seamlessly supports the onboarding of new teachers, as “the background is already set” – they just have to add onto the unit”, explains Prasanna.

The platform also simplifies the process when a teacher leaves the school. Rather than taking all their unit plans with them, the teacher’s plans remain in ManageBac and their legacy lives on, ensuring continuity.

Customer Support – “They’re amazing!”

Central to the success of ManageBac at École Mondiale World School is the customer support the school receives whenever they have a question or problem. “I really appreciate the support we get,” says Prasanna. “It’s so good and they’re so prompt. If it’s during working hours they get back immediately – we’re really very happy.” Tanvi agrees: “They’re amazing!”

What would Prasanna and Tanvi advise other educators who are thinking of implementing ManageBac? “Everything is possible, you just have to know what subjects you want to cover,” Prasanna says. “You should be very clear. Work on the settings – just understand what is where, and know what the possibilities are.”

As to the future, the school has plans to fully integrate AssessPrep into ManageBac to run mock assessments, along with trying out any future offerings. “Whatever new features ManageBac gives, we’re getting into it!” Prasanna says. “We’ll continue using it – whatever future ManageBac offers to us, we’re ready for that.”

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