Oberoi International School

Mumbai, India

Farah Misquitta

Head of Education Technology

It’s been an incredible learning journey with ManageBac having witnessed it evolve over the years. The system has enhanced itself and efficiently augmented planning, recording, and delivering lessons for teachers both offline and online, keeping students on task and parents informed consistently.

Oberoi International School is a co-ed IB school in Mumbai, offering IB Diploma, Middle Years and Primary Years Programmes to over 2,750 students. Spread across two campuses, Oberoi International School was one of Mumbai’s first IB schools and sees its role as “nurturing leaders of the future, prepared with personal success and academic excellence.”

Standards BenchmarksCurricula Supported
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School to HomeGrade Levels K-12

Implementation History

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Head of Education Technology, Farah Misquitta, was instrumental in bringing ManageBac to Oberoi International School – selecting the platform for a number of reasons: “Consistency, quick support time, seamless navigation and user-friendliness,” she explains. “ManageBac is a reliable, dependable system that is able to support teachers and students every step of their teaching and learning journey”.

The fact that ManageBac has been “quick to adapt” – updating units, modules and functionality to match the latest IB requirements – has also ensured that the school has felt supported through key curriculum transitions, such as the introduction of PYP Next or MYP Interdisciplinary Units. And other updates have also helped to enhance teaching and learning – for example, “differentiation of tasks has enhanced the way a teacher would cater to students’ needs and their respective learning levels”.

Integrations: “A One Stop Shop”

Implementing ManageBac has allowed the school to bring multiple systems together under one roof: “The integration with the third party apps gave us even more options to house everything under a one stop shop, and ensure our systems are synced and mapped without much hassle,” says Farah.

For example, ManageBac’s integration with Google Docs has helped Arts & Design teachers to monitor the progress of students’ projects, while an “efficient and transparent” sync with the school’s mobile app and attendance notifications has helped “information to flow back and forth to all stakeholders concerned”.

This transparency continues into other key activities, with Farah highlighting the centralised repository of student portfolios as an example of how ManageBac “helps keep students, teachers and parents informed”, as well as the platform’s ability to keep the school abreast of levels of student engagement throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

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AssessPrep: “An Easy Transition”

Oberoi International School began using AssessPrep alongside ManageBac in 2018. Previously, Google Docs and PDFs had been used to conduct assessments, with teachers scanning and uploading handwritten documents, or using other platforms to run polls and quizzes. AssessPrep has dramatically upgraded this experience – culminating in a “seamless grading process”, with all marks auto-synced back to ManageBac.

By creating “collaborative assessments via their ManageBac classes”, teachers at Oberoi International School are able to monitor engagement and completion at every stage, “with no ambiguity in tracking down student work”. Meanwhile, students are able to “view constructive feedback and interact within the test without having to access links outside of the system”.

At MYP level, the platform has allowed students to become familiar with a digital assessment format prior to summative eAssessments, while, in other parts of the school, “end-of-year exams and summatives with high stakes are now done on AssessPrep to ensure academic honesty and authentic assessment”.

For Farah, a key benefit of AssessPrep has been its interactivity – allowing students to engage with “multimedia-based questions, graphing and plotting data digitally and using simulations, which was previously done only under practical lab assessments”. These interactive questions “tap into all kinesthetic elements of any learner, rather than the traditional mode of question paper assessment”.


The right support is key to getting the best from any platform, and Farah has appreciated ManageBac’s fast response to queries and feature requests. “I have been pleasantly surprised to see feature requests being taken into consideration to support schools and offer prompt customer service,” she says. “The requests are dealt with over quick tickets raised by the support team, and depending on the urgency of the issue, calls and Calendly appointments with the customer support representatives have helped us a lot,” she explains.

“It’s been an incredible learning journey with ManageBac, having witnessed it evolve over the years,” Farah concludes. “The system has enhanced itself and efficiently augmented planning, recording, and delivering lessons for teachers both offline and online, keeping students on task and parents informed consistently. Congratulations to the ManageBac team for its success over the years.”

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